Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Collection Conundrum?

Clients and friends ask me all the time about how to make their collectables work in their spaces.  And I love being asked this question!  Why? Because it's super easy and fun to achieve a look with personality and flair.  Plus, it's always fun to see what things people hold near and dear to their heart.

Here are a few tips I've put together for displaying your collection:

1) Give the collection "DRAMA" by painting the shelf or wall behind the collection an accent color. This color can serve as a base to unify even the oddest collection of little tokens. For example old plates look amazing on a green and white background.

2) Be sure mix sizes, colors, scales, shapes, and anything else that can make them more interesting to the look at. The most important objects are more enjoyable when placed in larger groups. Do not get all "matchie," designers secrets are simple in achieving this goal...ODD numbers!

3) Frame It! This final option is a great way to bring value to an object at little cost. Today anyone can run to the store pic up a frame or two and hang them on the wall...so DO IT!  Frame plates, sketches, and anything else you own...Mix and Match...or refer to the rule above. This option gives you instant artwork and also clears off your shelves and surfaces for more "stuff."

Voila! Your final result should enhance your collection and send a spot of wow into your space!  

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