Monday, April 4, 2011

IT's HERE...Our Company LOGO and Brand!

Our Company Logo is here! 

The past several months have been an exciting journey working towards this day. Boston graphic designer, Barbara Hick of B-Graphic is the creative mind behind this striking design. I would love to thank her for all of the hard work to develop something that will serve our company well for many years to come. 

Her detailed process of working with the company and it's staff has been has been like no other. Barbara's wiliness to understand the importance of our work as an interior design firm and the passion and commitment we have to our clients made her the perfect fit to design our brand.

Check out more of her work and "like" her page on Facebook. And while your there "Like" Eric M. Haydel Design, Inc. 

I look forward to many years of success and displaying this brand proudly! Thanks Barbara!

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